Hey there, I'm Mitchell. If you're in here, I'm willing to bet you've found me through one of my other two websites - The Game Boy Abyss, where I'm playing as many GBA games as physically possible, and Through A Console Darkly, my dedicated game review website. As you can probably see, my websites are all pretty similar in design, since I'm really, really bad at making websites, and the visual design isn't quite my forte, so it's all content here!

Now, Shouting At The Void is another website to collect my thoughts on everything related to the written - and artistically depicted - word. As a librarian, books, comics, and manga - the main focuses of Shouting At The Void - are a huge part of my life, and whilst I do throw some reviews over on my account at Goodreads, I felt having a website where I can talk about more particular subjects - like a series overall, or perhaps a dozen issues of a certain comic run.

Either way, that's what I expect you'll see here at Shouting At The Void. Reviews, and thoughts, on varying forms of litereture, both visual and prose-focused in nature. Below you'll find all the most recent pieces I've written, and you can find dedicated lists of these works up in the nav bar above. Take a look at the Find Me Elsewhere page if you actually haven't come from one of my other websites, 'cause if you like video games, I'd think you'd totally love those websites as well!

Thanks for checking out Shouting At The Void. Not sure where this'll go, but either way, I'm sure it'll be great!

Recent Reviews

Ultimate Spider-Man #1-13 - 19/08/22